It Takes Finances To Facilitate Such Efforts
You Can Make A Difference!
Victory Outreach Church is a non-profit Christian movement dedicated to providing hope and a solution
to the issues that plague literally every city throughout the world today…drugs, gang violence, prostitution, suicide,
etc., unfortunately the list goes on and on. Victory Outreach has gained world wide recognition for its highest
success rate in rehabilitation. Not only do we focus on the rehabilitation of each individual, but we also provide
weekly services to the meet the need of the entire family unit through the Word of God.
It takes finances to facilitate such efforts. Victory Outreach does not receive any type of government funding.
We are supported through member's contributions and various fundraising activities. We welcome
pro-active businesses & individuals such as you to partner with us…as we Make a Difference!
You can join our awesome endeavor by becoming a financial supporter. Being that we are non-profit all
donations qualify for a tax deduction. Any contribution you make is deeply appreciated and supports the
furtherance of our efforts in the community.